Christmas Shopping 2019!

How is it time to talk about Christmas shopping already? I'm writing this in the middle of a beautiful Indian Summer... it doesn't feel right to be thinking about it.
I am really excited about our fair list this year. Some old favourites, and some exciting big hitters in the list too.
So here goes:
Tuesday 24th & Wednesday 25th September
The Early Early Christmas Fair, Tidworth SP9 7AH
Wednesday 2nd October
The Hampshire Autumn Fair, The Grange SO24 9TG
Monday 11th - Wednesday 13th November
The Cotswold Fair, Daylesford GL56 0YG
Wednesday 20th (9.30am - 7pm) & Thursday 21st November (9.30am - 6.30pm)
The Absolute Best Christmas Fair, Chelsea Town Hall SW3 5EE
Friday 22nd - Sunday 24th November
The Chelsea Physic Garden Christmas Fair, Chelsea SW3 4HS
Wednesday 27th 9am - 9pm & Thursday 28th November 9am - 5pm
Pom's Pop Up, Westbank, Portobello, W10 5XL
Sunday 8th December 11am - 2pm
IBM Hursley, Winchester, SO21 2JN
The EECF, Cotswold and Chelsea Physic fairs all have tickets you should pre order, so click on the links above and get organised. There will be other fantastic stalls at all these fairs and I really look forward to showing you our new stock, as well as some old faves.
In the meantime, enjoy the weather, while it lasts!
x Florence